Our Great Republic

"In the course of human events..."

The Founding Fathers were blessed with the benefit of the Divine Hand, and the individual liberties of our great Republic were the result. Our enduring freedom is on the defensive, where the growth of government is insatiable and ever encroaching. It is worth the read to return to their enlightened words.

The Lone Star State

"Come and Take It"

The concept of rugged individualism was never so meaningful as it is in Texas - from our "Come and Take It" challenge, through our "Remember the Alamo" long memory, to our "Don't Mess with Texas" attitude.

In the Hood

"Welcome Home"

We are the envy of small towns all over Texas. (...and the other states small towns - but does anyone really care what they think?!) Our rich history extends to this very day - and may we never lose the wonder and joy of living in this amazing place!